Tuesday, May 27, 2008

On Cloud Nine

Boston Run To Remember Half Marathon....

So far this season I've run a 5k and competed in the Hopkinton Season Opener Sprint Triathlon...so I thought, what's next? A Half Marathon of course. Well I had signed up, registered and paid the entry fee before I knew it and now I couldn't back out. I came across a 12 week training plan by Hal Higdon and followed it to a tee. I was shocked when I did my last long run and realized I had actually run 12 miles.....and lived!!!

Race day came and I woke up thinking of ways to back out, but I knew I couldn't quit. I had spent so much time and effort training and heck I made it to 12 miles, what's one more? I researched fuel and hydration strategies and practice them on my long runs. I followed the plan and had no issues during the race. At the sound of the horn I took off, slowly, and found it took 11 and a half minutes to complete the first mile...a little off my 10 minute mile goal. I spent the first 3 miles following a pair of bright pink sneakers and just focusing on them. Then I turned my attention to reading the backs of peoples shirts, getting lost in my breathing, hydrating and trying to tell myself that I did NOT have to use a port-a-potty. Before I knew it I was at the turn around point. I felt great, energetic and was actually enjoying this experience.

The view of Boston coming back was spectacular, the breeze was heavenly and Elvis was keeping me company. I hit 10 miles and thought...just a 5k left...I am going to finish this race. I hit mile 11 and something strange happened...my legs started going faster almost as if I was not in control of them. I was running to beat of New Kids On The Block(remind me to thank them for bringing me over the finish line) I just kept replaying the song over and over until I saw that big blue finish banner. BAM!! Just like that, it was all over. I proudly took my finisher medal and slung it around my neck, puffed out my half-marathon running chest and chowed down on the best bagel ever made. I was quick to throw back a recovery drink and relax into a nice stretch session. When I checked my actual time I was thrilled to see that, despite a slow first mile, I met my goal...running an average 9.29 minute miles and finishing just over 2 hours.

Well, I have to admit...I enjoyed it and would certainly run that distance again. And now that full Marathon is taunting me. I may let him hang a year or so, but with the right training and attitude...I may just answer his call. Never quit, train smart and answer your call! Good Luck!